Work's done...
Vacation's waiting for me...
And I can't wait..
Alright, so work finished last week friday, and I'm so happy. I couldn't wait to be finished with work, although i am getting another job, hopefully at Reitmens.. I really want that job so bad!! Pray for me..
Next week I leave for California, and I am so excited. It's going to be nice just to relax, listen to some music, surf, and lie around a pool, and do nothing.. maybe get some shopping in.. lol. I'm really looking forward to just listening to some good music, and writing some of my thoughts down.
I've been thinking about signing up for a photography course, because i've been thinking that it'd be tons of fun to work for some magazine, or for my own company, doing my own advertising, but it'd be tons of fun... But there'd be tons of different things i could do with this gift.. talk about furthering the kingdom, through a peaceful, and creative way.. i love it..
Anyways, im heading for dinner, and for some lst minute visting with the grandparents.. love you all.. sorry it's not as "life building/ identity" stuff as my last few ones..
Love dani
Some good tunes: Dont Lie- BEP
The Scientist- Coldplay
Cocoon- Jack Johnson
Stars- Switchfoot
Innocent- Our Lady Peace
Chris Tomlin- just bout anything
Thought that pik was kinda awesome.. wierd, but awesome ad..
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