Friday, November 18, 2005

I have come
to greet you
It is time.
Time to do away
Time to Stay
Our love will not leave
-for you and I
have days.
Days to laugh
days to cry.
Days to live
And days to die
For now
It is our day to share
it is our day to care
and it our day to love

I wrote this like 2 days ago.. and i was thinking.. isnt it so like us (humans that is to say), to believe in all the "romanticised" love, yet when it comes to focussing on the Father, and expressing our love for him. we dont express it the same way. Why dont we express it the same way we would if it was our dad, mom, or boyfriend/ girlfriend? What holds us back? is it fear, pressure, uncertainty, dismissal? W hat if Jesus didn't treat us the way the he treats us now? How would the world look... i can say for certain, God wouldn't have sent him here to die for us, each of individuall, so we could be with him for ALL ETERNITY.
Anyways, God's love, and serving him with devotion has been in my mind...
i love you

let the dark be light
Let anger become love
let death become life
Protect the unprotected
and let us live the day
in you're arms


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