Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Withering away

Hearts cry out,
Souls search beyond belief.
Where has the life gone?
Where is the brightness
that used to make the world shine?
Sunny days have faded away.
Gray skies fill my dreams.
Flowers dont seem bloom anymore,
frost overrides them,
eating away all the beauty
that laid within them.
Grass no longer blow freely,
instead sits striaght and still.
Lovers no longer picnic under the skies,
children no longer swing into the heavens.
Life is frozen still,
beneath a cloud of hazyness.
No heart free to express.
No soul free to search.
full of promise,
falling short.

Saturday, February 04, 2006


a dark veil
cloaked you eyes.
Desire was thrown into the cave,
instead unleashing a different side
i had never seen before.
You're touch
was cold,
stinging my skin.
you're promises
were filled with empty words,
Falling at my feet.
Your love
was harsh,
like a slap in the face.
I asked for.
Change for me,
leave all this behind,
come with me.
my only request.
Show me a difference,
let this shadow pass,
follow me.
you threw it in my face,
mocking me,
betraying me
with a single glance,
cursing my very name,
all for the sake of change.
Empty promises,
filled with empty words.
Couldn't you just change?
You're life could be
waiting to begin.

(Me, February 4th, 2006)
"No person is your friend who demands your silence, or denies your right to grow."
~Alice Walker
"To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly."
~Henri Bergson